Estelle Theissier, tutor on the EDHEC Talents programme: “These high school students are at a key moment in their lives”

Tutors’ tales: a series of testimonies in which EDHEC Business School students share their experience of providing support through the EDHEC Talents equal opportunities programme

Reading time :
26 Mar 2024

Estelle Theissier is a student on the EDHEC Master in Management programme and is currently in her gap year. She has also been engaged as a tutor on the EDHEC Talents programme since the launch of this initiative at the Summer Bootcamp in July 2023.

In this testimony, she talks about her role as tutor to Aya, a pupil in the final year of high school in the Lille area, and about her experience in student associations at EDHEC.   


As soon as I arrived at EDHEC, I joined the Vive les Vacances! student association, which works to foster equal opportunities for children from disadvantaged backgrounds in the Lille conurbation. Each week, I used to give educational support classes in social centres.  


As soon as the Student Life team told me about the EDHEC Talents programme, I wanted to be part of it. During the Summer Bootcamp, my role as tutor involved supporting the participants in the different workshops and also answering their questions about their future education and professional choices. Throughout the three days of the Summer Bootcamp, all of us tutors and the Student Life team were keen to transmit a strong message to the participants: yes, higher education is made for you! 


I’m also well aware that we don’t all start adult life with the same advantages. For my part, I was lucky to have had a supportive environment, in terms of my family, my friends and at school. This support helped me understand my aspirations and opened my eyes to different jobs and sectors of activity. Thanks to the testimonies of professionals, cultural visits and conferences, the EDHEC Talents programme gives high school pupils the chance to think about their future in a similar way as I did”. 



Estelle Theissier met Aya, a final year high school student, during the Summer Bootcamp. She is now supporting Aya through 10 tutoring sessions from January to June, as part of the annual EDHEC Talents programme:


First of all, I help her to improve the way she works (learning techniques, time management and concentration), so that she can prepare her baccalaureate exams free of stress. Next, we talk about her future options, in terms of higher education or jobs. Our discussions are really open and she comes up with questions without any prompting”.  


How does Estelle Theissier see her role as tutor?


Participants on the EDHEC Talents programme are at a key moment in their lives and our role is to give them the maximum of information, so that they can choose their studies in an informed manner. Listening to them, understanding their needs and helping them to think about their options are essential aspects of the support we provide”. 

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