"Supporting Yslem for a year has been very rewarding, and this long commitment has enabled us to build a relationship of trust." Alexandre Debeaudoin, tutor on the EDHEC Talents lycées programme

Tutors’ tales: a series of testimonies in which EDHEC Business School students share their experience of providing support through the EDHEC Talents equal opportunities programme.

Reading time :
25 Jul 2024

Alexandre Debeaudoin, a second-year student at EDHEC International BBA, has signed up as a tutor in 2023 and 2024 as part of the EDHEC Talents lycées (annual programme and bootcamp). In this interview, he talks about the role he plays with Yslem, a high school student from the Lille area. 


"Yslem lives in Roubaix, a few kilometres from EDHEC. It's important to me that the school is committed to its local community. 


During the 2023-2024 academic year, I first helped Yslem prepare for his baccalauréat. Together, we worked on methodology and went into greater depth in the subjects in which he had some difficulty, such as philosophy and mathematics. I also helped him prepare for the oral exam.


Guidance was also one of the topics discussed during our tutoring sessions. I made sure that Yslem had all the information he needed to make an informed choice about his studies, by being attentive to his needs and helping him to think things through. As he wanted to join the EDHEC International BBA, I shared with him my personal experience of this programme. I also helped him to fill in his wishes on Parcoursup and to write covering letters for his different study options, such as BTS in business or a degree in economics and management. 


As well as the tutoring sessions, Yslem took part in all the initiatives in the annual EDHEC Talents Lycées programme: the visit to Station F, one of the biggest start-up campuses in the world, and the conferences and round tables organised by EDHEC on topics such as leadership and geopolitics. He also attended student association events, such as the musical ‘Que les vents te mènent’ created by Music'All.


Accompanying Yslem for a year was very rewarding, and the long commitment helped to build a relationship of trust. I was also able to play a tangible part in his academic success. This experience has helped me to mature and to understand the importance of getting involved in solidarity projects."


Discover the other testimonials in the ‘Tutor tales’ series:

Estelle Theissier, tutor on the EDHEC Talents programme: “These high school students are at a key moment in their lives”


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