The BRIGHT Project

BRIGHT stands for Building Resilience through Integrity, Good Governance, and Honesty Training. The BRIGHT project, funded by the European Commission (EACEA – project 101143234), is a collaboration between EDHEC Business School, the European Whistleblowing Institute, and the University of Galway.

The BRIGHT Project – Building Resilience through Integrity, Good Governance, and Honesty Training

BRIGHT – Building Resilience through Integrity, Good Governance, and Honesty Training – aims to catalyze progressive change for European whistleblowing, and integrates research, capacity building, advocacy, and policy dialogue.


The BRIGHT team

For EDHEC Business School:

For the University of Galway:

For the European Whistleblowing Institute:

The BRIGHT team

SUSA and guidance – for integrity professionals

SUSA means Speak-Up Self-Assessment. We developed an online tool that integrity professionals can use to see how well whistleblowing channels in an organization align with international standards and EU regulations. SUSA also gives an indication of how good your speak-up culture is.

SUSA is based on ISO 37002:2021, the EU Whistleblowing Directive (2019/1937), and validated scales that measure people’s perception of organizational cultures. SUSA is an online, anonymous and free-to-use tool, available in different European languages via the links below.


The BRIGHT team has also developed guidance for operating whistleblowing channels in organizations. The guidance is freely available under Creative Commons license in different European languages via the links below.

For specific questions about SUSA, contact EDHEC’s Professor Wim Vandekerckhove.


  • SUSA: how does your organization align with ISO 37002:2021 and the EU Whistleblowing Directive (2019/1937) ? [External link - Coming soon]
  • Guidance for operating whistleblowing channels in organizations. [Pdf document - coming soon]

French, German, Dutch, Polish, Italian, Spanish: (Coming soon)


Awareness Raising – for civil society

(Coming soon)


Moot Courts – for the law students

(Coming soon)