Alena Kostyk

Associate Professor

Main contributions

Journal of retailing (2023), Journal of business ethics (2022), International journal of market research (2022, 2021), European journal of marketing (2021), International Marketing review (2023), Journal of business research (2020a, 2020b, 2019), Psychological methods (2023), Business horizons (2023)

Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing
Expertise: Digital Marketing, Consumers in XR, Quantitative methodology


Alena Kostyk received her MBA from Michigan State University and her PhD from New Mexico State University in the United States. Her work focuses on consumer behavior in digital, technology-enhanced environments, and research methodology. Dr Kostyk has published in academic outlets such as the Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, European Journal of Marketing, and Psychological Methods, among others. She also co-authored a practice-oriented book on VR marketing, The Reality of Virtuality: Harness the Power of Virtual Reality to Connect with Consumers, and worked with a number of European organisations on implementing their digital and XR marketing initiatives. Prior to academia, she spent nearly 10 years working in the private sector.

Publications of Alena Kostyk

22.01.2025 - EDHEC publication

(Newsletter #13) Emotions & decisions: an underestimated combo?

Fabian Bernhard, Alena Kostyk, Camille Pradies, Sylvie Deffayet Davrout, Martin Wetzels, Rania Labaki

EDHEC VOX, January 2025

17.01.2025 - EDHEC publication

How (and why) user emotions in virtual experiences lead to greater impact 

Alena Kostyk

EDHEC VOX, January 2025

25.11.2024 - EDHEC publication

Musées et réalité virtuelle : une nouvelle ère pour la culture ?

Alena Kostyk, Laurence Dessart, Kirsten Cowan, Michael Schyns

EDHEC VOX, November 2024

06.09.2024 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

Memories of tourism brands in virtual reality

Alena Kostyk, Kirsten Cowan, Laurence Dessart, Michael Schyns

Annals of Tourism Research, September 2024

01.09.2024 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

Virtual Reality Marketing: What Does It Mean to Have a 3D Experience? Effects of Stereopsis on Consumer Perceptions and Marketing Outcomes

Alena Kostyk, Jie Sheng, Andrew Murchie, Stephen Preston

Journal of Advertising Research, Volume 64, September 2024, Pages 301 - 318

Derniers articles EDHEC Vox


Museums and virtual reality: a new era for culture?

  • Alena Kostyk , Associate Professor
  • Laurence Dessart , HEC Liege
  • Kirsten Cowan , University of Edinburgh
  • Michael Schyns , HEC Liege