Youcef Bousalham
Associate Professor
Main contributions
Academy of Management (2017), Organization (2018, 2020), Academy of Management Proceedings (2018, 2022)
Comportement organisationnel
Management & Humanities
Organizational Culture, Human Management, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, Alternative Organizations, Diversity and Inclusion
Dr. Youcef Bousalham holds a PhD in Organizational Science and Masters in Organizational Science (MPhil.), Mass Retailing Management (MSc.) and Project Management (MSc.). He has been Visiting Researcher at Cardiff Business School (UK), Lund University (Sweden) and ESG (Canada). His area of research focuses on Organizational Culture, Alternatives Organizations, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. More specifically, he explores the extent to which organizations promoting Organizational Values of Sustainability and Social Responsibility can succeed into putting their noble ideals into concrete practices and deal with potential tensions related to business and market competition. His research has generated more than 30 intellectual contributions published in books, conferences, specialized press, and international academic reviews like Organization and the Academy of Management Proceedings. Pr. Bousalham has received academic distinctions for “best paper” from the Academy of Management, (Atlanta 2017), the International Association of Strategic Management (2020) and the CIESS (International Conference on Organizations of the Social Economy, 2010).