The Future of Education
25.03.2025 - Ways to take action
AI-assisted grading: feedback on a full-scale test at EDHEC
Peter Daly , Professor
Emmanuelle Deglaire , Associate Professor
18.03.2025 - Explore & master
5 questions to Marine Koch and Laura Lacombe on sexual and gender-based violence at work
Marine Koch , Chaire Diversité & Inclusion
Laura Lacombe , Chaire Diversité et Inclusion
17.03.2025 - The voice of experience
Hager Jemel-Fornetty: ‘The mission we have given ourselves is to participate in changing representations in order to change behaviors’
Hager Jemel-Fornetty , Associate Professor, Diversity & Inclusion Chair Director
07.03.2025 - Ways to take action
How to ensure equal recognition of women in research: 7 tips for fair authorship
Maria Figueroa-Armijos , Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship
George C. Banks , University of North Carolina-Charlotte
31.01.2025 - Explore & master
[#dataviz] The preparatory classes, a transformative experience highly valued!
Manuelle Malot , EDHEC NewGen Talent Centre Director
Geneviève Houriet Segard , EDHEC NewGen Talent Centre Adjunct Director
17.01.2025 - Ways to take action
How leaders transform their emotions into assets for making decisions and fully embodying them
Sylvie Deffayet Davrout , Professor, Leadership Development Chair Director
19.12.2024 - Explore & master
Beyond Analytics: Telling Stories With Data
Michelle Sisto , Associate Professor
24.10.2024 - Think differently
Do recruiters truly understand the aspirations of the new generation of students?
Manuelle Malot , EDHEC NewGen Talent Centre Director
Geneviève Houriet Segard , EDHEC NewGen Talent Centre Adjunct Director
21.10.2024 - The voice of experience
Meet Michael Antioco, a Dean of Faculty & Research who thrives on learning and nurturing talent
Michael Antioco , Professor - Dean of Faculty and Research
21.10.2024 - Explore & master
5 questions to Laura Lacombe (EDHEC) on gender differences in career aspirations
Laura Lacombe , Chaire Diversité et Inclusion
10.10.2024 - Explore & master
3 questions to Manuelle Malot (EDHEC) on the ‘candidate experience’ as seen by GenZ and recruiters
Manuelle Malot , EDHEC NewGen Talent Centre Director
07.10.2024 - Think differently
Five reasons why French business schools should value international students
Manuelle Malot , EDHEC NewGen Talent Centre Director
Geneviève Houriet Segard , EDHEC NewGen Talent Centre Adjunct Director