
Diversity, Solidarity and Humanitarian

The Music ’All association groups together close to 70 students from EDHEC and all over the Lille area who create and organise a musical from A to Z each year. Performances take place at Lille’s Théâtre Sébastopol and the Colisée in Roubaix. Six children suffering from mental deficiencies and schooled at Le Roitelet, the medical-professional institute in Tourcoing, take part in the show alongside our artists, thereby helping them to flourish and gain confidence in themselves. The Music’All project also has a charitable aspect, as the association uses the profits generated by the show to organise a fun and cultural excursion for a class of pupils from the medical-professional institute. Our goal is to prove that “being different, does not mean being incapable”.



05.07.2024 - EDHEC
EDHEC organises the 1st edition of EDHEC Vox Dialogues
On Tuesday, July 2, 2024, EDHEC Business School's Paris campus hosted the first edition of the EDHEC Vox Dialogues. The aim of this new series of conferences is to provide a space for reflection and discussion in line with the key priorities of the…
04.07.2024 - EDHEC
EDHEC’s “Creativity Seminar” celebrates its 10th anniversary
For the past 10 years, Professor Isabelle Sequeira, Deputy Head of Management & Humanities, and Director of the MSc in Creative Business and Social Innovation, and Professor Peter Daly, Professor of Management and Director of the MSc in…
03.07.2024 - EDHEC
"Experience plays a key role in fencing": Aliya Luty, fencer
Tales of sport: a series of testimonies in which EDHEC students – high-level athletes or those engaged in competitive sport – share their passion for their respective sports. They also tell us how their sports activity combines with their studies.