
Arts and culture

Each year, Star’Ec organises the Croisée des Talents, Europe’s first management and eloquence competition for students. This year’s contest will comprise two distinct events: the management competition and the eloquence competition. The first event will take place on a fully-dematerialised basis in the form of a weekend hackathon. Prepared in close collaboration with the hackathon professionals BeMyApp, our project management competition will enable students from all over France to take part without having to travel. Participants will be guided by mentors (professionals from many companies specially trained for the event to provide participants with suitable solutions to their managerial problems). After the 48-hour competition, teams that have developed prototypes embodying a certain degree of technicality and innovation will receive prizes from the jury made up of our partners.



05.07.2024 - EDHEC
EDHEC organises the 1st edition of EDHEC Vox Dialogues
On Tuesday, July 2, 2024, EDHEC Business School's Paris campus hosted the first edition of the EDHEC Vox Dialogues. The aim of this new series of conferences is to provide a space for reflection and discussion in line with the key priorities of the…
04.07.2024 - EDHEC
EDHEC’s “Creativity Seminar” celebrates its 10th anniversary
For the past 10 years, Professor Isabelle Sequeira, Deputy Head of Management & Humanities, and Director of the MSc in Creative Business and Social Innovation, and Professor Peter Daly, Professor of Management and Director of the MSc in…
03.07.2024 - EDHEC
"Experience plays a key role in fencing": Aliya Luty, fencer
Tales of sport: a series of testimonies in which EDHEC students – high-level athletes or those engaged in competitive sport – share their passion for their respective sports. They also tell us how their sports activity combines with their studies.