Peter Daly


Director of MSc in Management & Leadership

Main contributions

Innovations in Education and Teaching Internationale (2024), International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (2022), Economics of Governance (2021), Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (2020), The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2019; 2024), European Journal of International Management (2018), Case Research Journal (2017), Journal of Management Development (2016), Gérer et Comprendre (2014), Journal of International Education in Business (2014), Accounting History Review (2013), Academy of Management Learning and Education (2012); Advances in Business Education and Training (2012); Business Communication Quarterly (2011); International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (2006); Industry and Higher Education (2006)

Discipline: Leadership
Faculty: Management & Humanities
Expertise: Management Communication, Management education and learning, Leadership, Management


Professor Daly has worked in communication and management studies since 1995. He has taught managerial communication programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Germany and in France. He currently teaches reflexive leadership, creativity and management communication. His primary research interests revolve around teaching and learning in higher education, business education pedagogy, and discourse analysis. He has presented papers at international conferences on these research areas. Professor Daly has an international background and speaks Irish, English, French and German fluently. Having studied languages (French, German & Spanish) in Ireland, Spain and Belgium, Professor Daly continued his studies in pedagogy and linguistics/communication, prior to taking up a post at the University of Bayreuth. While working in Germany, he completed a Postgraduate qualification in e-learning pedagogy. He also completed his doctoral research in higher education, which looked at the social, institutional and self-discourses of business apprentices. He also completed a Diploma in Human Relations in 2017. From 2015 - 2022, Professor Daly was Director of the MSc in Management Studies. Since 2022, he is the Director of the MSc in Management & Leadership.

Publications of Peter Daly

10.03.2025 - EDHEC publication

Correction de copies assistée par IA : retour sur un test grandeur nature à l’EDHEC

Peter Daly, Emmanuelle Deglaire

EDHEC VOX, March 2025

20.09.2024 - EDHEC publication

(Newsletter Vox #9) Entrepreneurs: with great potential comes great responsibility?

Yasmine Machwate, Justine Soudier, Ludovic Cailluet, Peter Daly, Sabine Ruaud, Thomas B. Long, Maria Figueroa-Armijos, Fabian Bernhard, Rene Rohrbeck, Jana Thiel

EDHEC Centre for Responsible Entrepreneurship, EDHEC VOX, September 2024

13.09.2024 - EDHEC publication

[Case by case #8] P. Daly et S. Ruaud - Fashion and responsible entrepreneurship: the story of La Gentle Factory

Peter Daly, Sabine Ruaud

EDHEC VOX, September 2024

21.08.2024 - Article in a peer reviewed journal

AI-enabled correction: A professor’s journey

Peter Daly, Emmanuelle Deglaire

Innovations in Education and Teaching International, August 2024

04.07.2024 - EDHEC publication

Le "séminaire créativité" de l'EDHEC fête son dixième anniversaire

Isabelle Sequeira, Peter Daly

PRI, EDHEC VOX, July 2024