Marie-Cécile Cervellon

Professor, Head of faculty - Marketing

Main contributions

Journal of Business Research (2020; 2016; 2015; 2003), Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (2019; 2016), MIT Sloan Management Review (2017), Marketing Theory (2018), The Case Journal (2018), Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing (2015), European Journal of Marketing (2014), Journal of Corporate Citizenship (2013), International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management (2013; 2012), International Journal of Market Research (2013), Journal of Advertising (2013), Journal of Fashion Marketing & Management (2014; 2012), Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty (2011), Advances in Consumer Research (2007), Food Quality and Preference (2005), International Journal of Research in Marketing (2003), Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (2002), International Journal of Advertising (2000), Gestion (1999)

Discipline: Marketing
Faculty: Marketing
Expertise: Sustainable Fashion, Luxury marketing, Brand Management


Marie-Cécile Cervellon, Ph.D, is Professor of Marketing at EDHEC Business School with a teaching expertise in brand management and luxury marketing (ref. her edublog LYTE Currently, her areas of research encompass two domains (on stream of research, managerial and interdisciplinary). Her research focusses on brand management on social media and influencer marketing. A second stream of research, more conceptual, aims at understanding current trends of consumption such as e-tail, second-hand, local, and ethical consumption. Her research is mostly conducted in hedonic industries (luxury; perfume & cosmetics; fine food; wine & spirits). It is published in major international journals, such as MIT Sloan Management Review, Journal of Business Research, or International Journal of Research in Marketing. She has been quoted in Newsweek, The Financial Times, and New York Times among other press outlets. Marie-Cécile holds a PhD from McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

Publications of Marie-Cécile Cervellon

20.06.2024 - EDHEC publication

(Newsletter #8) LinkedIn, ChatGPT, Slack: using them less... or using them better?

Peter Daly, Julia Milner, Olga Kokshagina, Xing Huan, Pierre-Jean Barlatier, Marie-Cécile Cervellon, Loick Menvielle, Mohamed Hédi Charki

EDHEC VOX, June 2024

17.06.2024 - EDHEC publication

Meet Marie-Cécile Cervellon, a committed marketing professor who explores luxury from every angle

Marie-Cécile Cervellon

EDHEC VOX, June 2024

12.06.2024 - EDHEC publication

[Cas par cas #7] « Chopard by Hylink » : quand l’intelligence artificielle facilite l’apprentissage du marketing

Marie-Cécile Cervellon, Loick Menvielle

EDHEC VOX, June 2024

13.12.2023 - EDHEC publication

EDHEC Vox (Newsletter #2) Circular economy: Why are we wasting time?

Maria Figueroa-Armijos, Arne De Keyser, Ludovic Cailluet, Yasmine Machwate, Justine Soudier, Sachin Kamble, Thomas B. Long, Marie-Cécile Cervellon, Joëlle Vanhamme

EDHEC VOX, December 2023

06.12.2023 - EDHEC publication

[case by case #3] Marie-Cécile Cervellon: exploring the ACS circular business model

Marie-Cécile Cervellon

EDHEC VOX, December 2023

Derniers articles EDHEC Vox


[Case by case #7] "Chopard by Hylink: when artificial intelligence makes learning marketing easier

  • Marie-Cécile Cervellon , Professor, Head of faculty - Marketing
  • Loick Menvielle , Professor, Management in Innovative Health Chair Director

[case by case #3] Marie-Cécile Cervellon: exploring the ACS circular business model

  • Marie-Cécile Cervellon , Professor, Head of faculty - Marketing
  • Lindsey I. Carey ,
  • Aileen Stewart , GCU