Sustainable Finance
18.11.2024 - Explore & master
Marek Reuter (EDHEC): "Achieving the TCFD’s vision of risk transparency is far more complex than it might appear"
Marek Reuter , Assistant Professor
13.11.2024 - Ways to take action
5 questions to Benjamin Herzog, Director of Scientific Portfolio (an EDHEC Venture)
Benjamin Herzog , Scientific Portfolio (an EDHEC Venture) Director
23.10.2024 - Explore & master
From Exclusions to Returns: Evaluating the Financial Risks of Responsible Investing
Aurore Porteu de La Morandière , Scientific Portfolio ESG Researcher
Vincent Bouchet , Scientific Portfolio (an EDHEC Venture) ESG Director
Benoît Vaucher , Scientific Portfolio (an EDHEC Venture) Director of Research
17.09.2024 - The voice of experience
Rob Arnold (EDHEC-Risk Climate): "Investors are seeking more transparency on risk assessment and actions taken to improve the sustainability of infrastructure"
Rob Arnold , EDHEC Climate Institute Sustainability Research Director
30.08.2024 - Explore & master
Finance of transition, transition of finance
Frédéric Ducoulombier , EDHEC Climate Institute Programme Director, Climate Regulation Research and Advocacy
09.07.2024 - Explore & master
The problems with climate scenarios, and how to fix them
Riccardo Rebonato , Professor
15.07.2024 - Explore & master
[#dataviz] Climate change could be very costly for those who have invested in infrastructure
Noël Amenc , Associate Professor of Finance (Singapore)
Frédéric Blanc-Brude , EDHECinfra Director
Abhishek Gupta , EDHECinfra Associate Director, Head of infraMetrics® Product Development
Bertrand Jayles , EDHEC Climate Institute Senior Sustainability Data Scientist
Darwin Marcelo , EDHECinfra Research Director
Leonard Lum , Data analyst, EDHECinfra
Nishtha Manocha , EDHEC Climate Institute Senior Research Engineer
Qinyu Goh , EDHECinfra
21.05.2024 - Ways to take action
A Conversation with Robert Litterman (Kepos) and Riccardo Rebonato (EDHEC): Fighting Climate Change Through Financial Innovation
Riccardo Rebonato , Professor
Robert Litterman , Kepos
17.05.2024 - Explore & master
Climate change: Why are infrastructure investors aware of the risk while failing to measure it?
Noël Amenc , Associate Professor of Finance (Singapore)
Frédéric Blanc-Brude , EDHECinfra Director
Alice James , EDHEC Infrastructure & Private Assets Research Institute
15.05.2024 - Think differently
“Dark green” equity funds could go “full green” with very limited impact on their risk profile
Aurore Porteu de La Morandière , Scientific Portfolio ESG Researcher
Benoît Vaucher , Scientific Portfolio (an EDHEC Venture) Director of Research
Vincent Bouchet , Scientific Portfolio (an EDHEC Venture) ESG Director
16.05.2024 - Ways to take action
How companies calculate their carbon footprints
Gianfranco Gianfrate , Professor
19.04.2024 - Ways to take action
Felix Goltz (Scientific Beta): "Integrating climate risk considerations into portfolios is a key concern of institutional investors around the world"
Felix Goltz , Scientific Beta Director of Research