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ALLLMYINDEX.LEGAL: helping legal departments to transform

Soufiane Kherrazi , EDHEC Augmented Law Institute Affiliate Researcher
Christophe Roquilly , Professor, Honorary Dean of Faculty, Director of the EDHEC Augmented Law Institute

Faced with the challenge of creating value and innovating, legal departments are today looking to measure their performance in order to reinvent themselves...

Reading time :
16 Dec 2021

Faced with the challenge of creating value and innovating, legal departments are today looking to measure their performance in order to reinvent themselves. In response to this challenge, the EDHEC Augmented Law Institute, the specialist EDHEC research and training centre, created AlllMyIndex.legal in partnership with Legal Suite France.

Research work to initiate new practices

Alllmyindex is a phygital tool for measuring and assessing the degree of transformation of a legal service (legal department, law firm, etc.), based on indexes covering different transformation themes (EDHEC Legal Transformation Indexes), such as innovation (for which an index is already available) or digitalisation and agility (two themes for which indices are under development).

The creation of these indexes is underpinned by substantial research work, e.g. development of benchmarks with legal teams, in-depth documentation of the existing corpus, collection and analysis of original data. An all-round approach justified by the need “to plug a gap in theory first of all, then to satisfy a need in the professional world. To do this, we undertook applied research combining a classical research protocol with benchmarking work, through which we were able to compile a sizeable quantity of data and thus design the most comprehensive index possible”, explains Soufiane Kherrazi, Research Director of the EDHEC Augmented Law Institute.

A specific tool for improving the performance of legal departments

Designed according to different assessment stages, Alllmyindex first of all allows users to self-measure their degree of transformation free of charge on line, by means of two families of indicators: key levers of transformation (KLIs) and key factors of transformation performance (KPIs). In a second stage, the tool can be used to adopt a continuous improvement approach, thanks to a methodology devised by the EDHEC Augmented Law Institute for implementing best practices, so as to “raise performance, improve and motivate in-house teams, take the digital and data route and attract the best talent”, as underlined by Christophe Roquilly, Director of the EDHEC Augmented Law Institute. Lastly, a final certification stage represents a hallmark of value for the legal team, both in-house and externally.  

Responding to legal departments’ internal and external challenges

The Allmyindex platform provides a range of responses to the issues currently facing legal departments, i.e. making sure they are involved in the company’s strategic decisions, using the full range of digital tools available, raising performance every day and ensuring teams are agile. The tool is also capable of responding to legal departments’ external issues “by enabling them to improve their image and promote their employer brand, which is a way to earn legitimacy in the eyes of other external stakeholders”, underlines Soufiane Kherrazi.