Think differently

From Ants to AI: Solving Complex Logistics Challenges with Nature-Inspired Algorithms and Machine Learning

Cédric Verbeeck , Assistant Professor

In this article, Cédric Verbeeck, Assistant Professor at EDHEC and Director of the MSc in Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence, builds on his research to shed a new light on the way ant-inspired algorithms can help us overcome key logistics challenges.

Reading time :
25 Nov 2024

Learning from Nature: How Ants Solve Complex Problems

When an ant colony sends out workers to forage for food in a new territory, the ants initially wander aimlessly until they find a food source. As they walk, they leave small amounts of pheromones (which you could compare to our use of perfume to make ourselves more attractive to peers) on the ground, marking the path they have taken. This pheromones trail  gradually evaporates over time, but new and returning ants can detect the pheromones left by their predecessors and are generally more likely to follow trails with a stronger scent. Shorter routes accumulate pheromones more quickly because ants can travel back and forth faster, reinforcing these paths with more pheromones in a shorter time.


As a result, shorter routes become increasingly attractive, while longer routes, having weaker pheromone signals due to slower reinforcement and faster evaporation, are eventually abandoned. Over time, this process naturally optimizes the colony’s foraging path to the shortest available route. However, if a sudden blockage occurs on the shortest path, the ants can still find alternative routes because other paths, although less used, retain some pheromone scent that guides the ants to explore them again.


Studies have further shown that the pheromones can even contain information on the quality and type of the food source (1) which is subsequently used to optimize the logistics system even on a more tactical level according to the demand requirements of the colony. Ants are not the only ones skilled in solving routing problems, similar systems can be found in slime molds, bees, birds, bats, wolves, fireflies and even our genetic system tries to optimize by combining and mutating our genes to ensure our biological evolution. Typically, they are built around two forces: a method to explore new areas of the solution space and a memory structure to learn from mistakes and reinforce rewarding behavior.


The intelligence, adaptability and complexity of the ‘model’ used collectively by ants has given rise to a scientific field called “Ant Colony Optimization” (2) which includes one of my papers (3) published in 2017, a paper I will use in this article to analyse some very specific problems, particularly logistical ones.


The Real-World Challenge: Optimizing Modern Logistics

There are many similarities between the logistics problems faced by ants and our world. Logistics companies operate with a limited number of vehicles, each of which represents a significant operational capacity that must be maximized. This limitation is compounded by regulatory constraints on drivers' working hours, which are put in place to ensure safety but also limit the delivery time available each day.


Balancing the use of these limited resources against the need to serve a broad client base is a primary concern. Client prioritization adds another layer of complexity. With clients varying in their levels of importance due to factors such as contracts, strategic value, or service level agreements, logistics companies must develop a strategy for prioritizing service in a way that aligns with their business objectives.


Complicating this further are the specific service windows within which clients are available to receive deliveries, requiring routes to be planned with precision to meet these time-sensitive windows. The optimization of routes is a critical challenge, involving the calculation of the most efficient routes that vehicles should take to minimize travel time and distance while maximizing the number of clients served.


This task is made more difficult by dynamic conditions such as traffic patterns, road conditions, and vehicle capacity constraints, which can all vary significantly from day to day. Managing costs is another critical aspect of the logistics operation. Operational costs, including fuel consumption, carbon emission-related fees, vehicle maintenance, and driver wages, need to be carefully managed to maintain profitability. Additionally, the potential for financial penalties or damage to business relationships resulting from late or missed deliveries adds a financial imperative to maintaining punctual service.


Mathematically, this logistics problem can be labelled as a variant of the Orienteering Problem (4) within the class of vehicle routing problems. This problem is inspired by the sport of orienteering (5), which is like a treasure hunt where you start and finish at specific points, aiming to visit as many rewarding locations as possible along the way. The challenge lies in limited time or distance, meaning you can’t visit every location and must strategically choose the best ones to maximize your rewards. While feasible solutions can be relatively easy to create and evaluate, finding the optimal solution and proving its optimality is computationally very difficult, even with increasing computing power. There is no dedicated algorithm that guarantees finding the optimal solution within a reasonable timeframe, so often, the only option is to evaluate all combinations of locations and routes.


To illustrate how complexity scales, consider an orienteering problem with only 3 potential reward locations: you would need to evaluate 16 possible tours, including an empty tour, 3 single-location tours, 6 combinations of two locations, and 6 tours with all three locations. This seems manageable, but if we extend this to 10 locations, approximately 9,864,101 routes need evaluation, which is still within the capability of commercial solvers for basic problems. However, in real-world logistics with 100 potential stops, multiple vehicles and extra constraints, solving this problem to optimality might become computationally impossible.


From Ants to AI: Pushing Boundaries with Machine Learning

One approach is to design computer algorithms that mimic the behavior of natural elements previously described. For example, each road segment between locations is initially assigned an equal pheromone value. Digital ants represent solutions, constructing routes by sequentially adding locations in a way similar to a child’s roulette wheel game: all unvisited locations are placed on the wheel, but those with higher pheromone values occupy larger sections, making them more likely to be selected. Once each ant has generated a feasible route, the pheromone values of road segments in the best-performing ant’s route are reinforced, while pheromones on other road segments are reduced.


This process is repeated thousands of times, depending on user-defined time constraints. Like in nature, the algorithm initially explores a wide variety of road segments and locations, but as it progresses, it focuses more on refining and exploring solutions near the current best, guided by the pheromone memory. This type of algorithm is called ant colony optimization originally proposed by Dorigo et al. (2) and is part of many nature-inspired metaheuristics to solve complex mathematical problems.


While nature-inspired algorithms like Ant Colony Optimization have proven effective for solving complex mathematical problems, advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning are pushing the boundaries even further. Machine learning-based techniques, particularly those involving reinforcement learning and neural networks, offer new ways to tackle routing and optimization problems by learning from data and adapting in real-time. These AI-driven approaches can predict high-quality solutions, dynamically adjust strategies, and handle more complex, large-scale scenarios with multiple constraints.


By leveraging the strengths of machine learning, we can go beyond mimicking nature’s processes and develop even more efficient and intelligent algorithms to solve the most challenging optimization problems in logistics, transportation, and beyond.




(1) The role of multiple pheromones in food recruitment by ants. A. Dussutour, S. C. Nicolis, G. Shephard, M. Beekman, D. J. T. Sumpter. J Exp Biol (2009) 212 (15): 2337–2348.

(2) M. Dorigo, M. Birattari and T. Stutzle, "Ant colony optimization," in IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 28-39, Nov. 2006,

(3) Verbeeck, C., Vansteenwegen, P. & Aghezzaf, EH. The time-dependent orienteering problem with time windows: a fast ant colony system. Ann Oper Res 254, 481–505 (2017).

(4) Aldy Gunawan, Hoong Chuin Lau, Pieter Vansteenwegen. Orienteering Problem: A survey of recent variants, solution approaches and applications (2016) European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 255, Issue 2, Pages 315-332.

(5) I-Ming Chao, Bruce L. Golden, Edward A. Wasil. The team orienteering problem (1996),
European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 88, Issue 3, Pages 464-474.


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