Hager Jemel-Fornetty: ‘The mission we have given ourselves is to participate in changing representations in order to change behaviors’
In this short interview, Hager Jemel-Fornetty, Associate Professor and Associate Dean for the EDHEC International BBA programme, presents the mission, impact and ambitions of the initiative she has been leading since 2017: the EDHEC Diversity & Inclusion Chair.
‘Today, in the majority of social spaces, private or public, practices are not yet moving sufficiently in the direction of peaceful diversity and full inclusion. [...] However, the progress made in recent years, in society, in households, in businesses or in schools, is real and palpable. My conviction, our conviction within the chair, is that we must inform, train and set an example in the hope of inspiring people to think and act in a certain way that has a positive impact’ - Hager Jemel-Fornetty
Interview en français, sous-titrée en français
Interview in French, subtitled in English