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EDHEC VOX PODCAST : EPISODE #6 – The circular economy in fashion: the new normal

Marie-Cécile Cervellon , Professor, Head of faculty - Marketing

The sixth episode of the EDHEC Vox Podcast, and first of the 2021 academic year, is devoted to the circular economy in fashion.

Reading time :
27 Sep 2021

In this podcast, Adrien Deslous-Paoli, founder of De Rigueur and 2014 alumnus, interviews Marie-Cécile Cervellon, PhD, Professor of Marketing, and Laurine Poulet, MSc Marketing student, on the issues facing fashion today.

The sector, which is highly challenged by the market and new generations of more committed consumers, is questioning itself. One of the possible answers is the circular economy.

In this podcast, you'll find out why, over and above the climate and social issues they're facing, it's in the best interests of brands to opt for new practices such as upcycling, second-hand and even rental in an ever-competitive market.



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