(Newsletter #6) Leading without misleading
Discover the new issue of the #EDHECVox newsletter: our professors draw on their most recent research to shed light on the concept of management and the variety of forms, relationships and errors associated with it.
If you wish to subscribe to this newsletter: go to the dedicated page on Linkedin.
Leading is a concept so often (mis)used that we almost forget to question the variety of its forms and of its associated relationships. Yet, getting to the bottom of it is key, especially in the workplace.
How can we move away from the two caricatured types, the 'saviour' leader and the 'toxic' leader? What is inclusive, reflexive or humble leadership? What are the challenges and expectations of the new generation, from both a macro (young professionals) and a micro perspective (successors in the family business)?
This month, our professors draw on their recent research to shed light on these questions and to offer actionable ideas.
In the next issues, we'll be looking at the will and the ability of the financial sector to change, and the techno paradox in our everyday lives. If this piques your curiosity, and if you’re not already following us, please subscribe here.
And don't forget: all these articles are also available in French on edhec.edu.
Happy reading!

(In)fallible leadership: mission (im)possible?
By Sylvie Deffayet Davrout – EDHEC Professor, Leadership Development Chair Director
Is it possible to lead without making mistakes? What do leadership theories tell us about 'infallible' leaders? Why is humility an underestimated strength? In this article, the author analyses the various facets of this subject, drawing on her own work and recent studies. Indeed, many leaders and followers seem to believe, or at least wonder about, this myth of the (all-powerful) person who is or should be in charge... Read this article

The new generations and the world of work: 5 questions to Manuelle Malot and Geneviève Houriet Segard
An interview with Manuelle Malot and Geneviève Houriet Segard – Director and Deputy director of the EDHEC NewGen Talent Centre
"This is not a generation of dedicated worker" - "I don't think they are ready to make the necessary efforts"... Many negative prejudices surround young people at work today. For over a decade, the NewGen Centre has been conducting large-scale surveys of thousands of students and young graduates from higher education. The two interviewees detail their main analyses, which debunk numerous stereotypes on the relationship between these new generations and the world of work... Read this interview

Julia Milner: “Empowering others by listening and asking them questions is always a good thing, even if the temptation is to bring ready-to-use answers”
An interview with Julia Milner – EDHEC Professor
Because it brings us together, cumulatively, for thousands of hours in our lives, the workplace is a constant source of collaboration, conflict, agreement and disagreement. The interviewee is taking, in her research and courses, the individual angle to bring to light our own way of functionning and our interactions with others. The range of possibilities (and obstacles) is impressive... Read this interview

In times of succession: Leading the family business without misleading the stakeholders
By Rania Labaki – EDHEC Associate Professor, Family Business Chair Director
To which extent leadership matters in family business succession? What does it take for family leaders to successfully engage stakeholders in the process? In this article, the author takes stock of the enduring influence of leadership styles in family business by addressing necessary adjustments the predecessor and the successor need to make towards continuity... Read this article

3 questions to Hager Jemel-Fornetty on diversity and inclusion
An interview with Hager Jemel-Fornetty – EDHEC Associate Professor, Diversity & Inclusion Chair Director
Diversity and inclusion are two complementary concepts that require different degrees of commitment from companies. Increasing diversity in a group may be achievable by taking action on recruitment alone. Improving inclusion requires transformation and deeper action at both individual and collective levels. Here, the interviewee explains the differences between these two concepts and highlights the challenges, risks and pitfalls that can arise when D&I policy is neglected or superficial... Read this interview

Meet Bastiaan van der Linden, the sustainability professor who bridges divides
Portrait of Bastiaan van der Linden, Associate Professor at EDHEC and Director of the MSc in Global & Sustainable Business
"Bastiaan is convinced the best is yet to come for business and sustainability. “One of the big challenges”, he says, “is to figure out what we mean when we talk about business purpose. Right now, we put a lot of pressure on this concept. Purpose is said to foster employee engagement, boost customer attraction, seduce investors, not to mention save the planet! These are big ambitions for a simple word [...] This is one of the questions to which I hope to dedicate myself in the upcoming years.”... Read this portrait
To read the previous issues of the #EDHECVox newsletter :
- (#5) Is it enough to understand our mutual challenges to be able to address them? - follow this link
- (#4) Without a collective approach, can we (really) combat our individual vulnerabilities? - follow this link
- (#3) Climate and Finance: is it now, or right now? - follow this link
- (#2) Circular economy: Why are we wasting time? - follow this link
- (#1) Greener, chattier, more connected… How do companies address "new" customers? - follow this link
Illustration (header) 2024 - Anne Moreau

How can we move away from the two caricatured types, the 'saviour' leader and the 'toxic' leader? What is inclusive, reflexive or humble leadership? What are the challenges and expectations of the new generations?
This month, in our #EDHECVox newsletter ""Leading without misleading", our professors draw on their recent research to shed light on these questions and to offer actionable ideas:
#MakeAnImpact #PassionNeverRests #EDHEC