Ways to take action

This way to equity

Hager Jemel-Fornetty , Associate Professor, Diversity & Inclusion Chair Director

Companies today talk a lot about equality. To what extent equity at work helps the company growing? The answer seems obvious, equity at work should help the company growing as it will help the…

Reading time :
29 Jan 2020

Companies today talk a lot about equality. To what extent equity at work helps the company growing?

The answer seems obvious, equity at work should help the company growing as it will help the employees feeling happy about their workplace and management. However apparently according to salary and positions in companies globally, men and women still do not share the same piece of the cake, for example.


EDHEC Vox - This way to equity

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The perception of equity among men and women at work is a first key helping us to understand discrepancies between salaries and positions.

As explained in the study, the two genders do not share the same perception of equity. While 6,8 men out of 10 judge their organizations equitable, only 4,1 women share the same view.

Men being as efficient at work as women, the leader positions should be today more filled by women in global and local companies as well as in the public administration. What really counts in the end is of course the behaviour and skills.


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Authority and sincerity as well as sensitivity can be found in today’s leadership. One leader should not have to be only authoritarian today to rule a company, studies show the contrary. More diverse role models will help changing this glass ceiling as well.

This study was done by Hager Jemel-Fornetty, PhD, Director of the EDHEC Open Leadership Center for diversity and inclusion and Director of the Pre-Master year for the EDHEC Master In Management. Hager is a Professor of Management at EDHEC business school. She is working on how to integrate more women in higher positions and how to increase the perception of inclusivity in today’s companies.