Faculty and researchers
The EDHEC faculty and research staff, which makes up the EDHEC academic community, is made up of permanent professors and researchers as well as affiliate professors and associate researchers, spread over the Lille, Nice, Paris, Singapore and London campuses.
- Lecturer in MarketingDiscipline: MarketingFaculty: MarketingExpertise: National culture, Religiosity, Relationship quality
- Senior LecturerDiscipline: AccountingFaculty: Accounting, Control & Legal AffairsExpertise: Managerial AccountingHayyan Alia-Thorey, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer in Accounting. He teaches courses in both managerial and financial accounting and is engaged in business case writing and gamification.
- Assistant ProfessorDiscipline: FinanceFaculty: Data Science, Economics & FinanceExpertise: Corporate Finance; Corporate Climate Performance; Sovereign Wealth FundsBefore joigning EDHEC, Jeanne was Maître de Conferences at University of Côte d’Azur. She holds a PhD in Finance from Aix-Marseille University.
- Associate Professor of Finance (Singapore) , Director of the EDHEC Climate InstituteDiscipline: FinanceFaculty: Data Science, Economics & FinanceExpertise: Finance, economics, managementNoël Amenc is an Associate Professor of Finance at EDHEC Business School (based in Singapore), Director of the EDHEC Climate Institute, and Senior Advisor to Scientific Beta, of which he was the founding CEO.
- Professor - Dean of Faculty and ResearchDiscipline: MarketingFaculty: MarketingExpertise: Innovation Management and Marketing CommunicationsMichael Antioco joined EDHEC Business School as Professor in Marketing in September 2013.
- ProfessorDiscipline: MarketingFaculty: MarketingExpertise: Service Marketing, Sustainable Marketing, Marketing Ethics, Crisis CommunicationsPaolo is Professor of Marketing at EDHEC Business School (France). He is interested primarily in stakeholders’ responses to crises, brand transgressions, service failures and other negative marketing events.
- EDHEC Climate Institute Sustainability Research DirectorDiscipline: Climate FinanceFaculty:Expertise:Rob Arnold is Sustainability Research Director at EDHEC-Risk Climate Impact Institute. He is an energy and environment specialist with extensive experience in industry, business, national governments, and international organisations.
- ProfessorDiscipline: ManagementFaculty: Management & HumanitiesExpertise: Strategic Management, Corporate Sustainability, Cross-sector Partnerships, Social Networks, Innovation Management, Knowledge ManagementNaeem Ashraf is a Professor of Sustainability Management at EDHEC Business School.
- Scientific Portfolio (an EDHEC Venture) Quant ResearcherDiscipline: FinanceFaculty:Expertise:
- Associate ProfessorDiscipline: Information SystemFaculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & OperationsExpertise: Human-Computer/AI Interaction, Technology Innovation, Sustainable ITTuba Bakici, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Information Systems at EDHEC Business School. Dr. Bakici's research focuses on human-computer interaction, technology innovation, and sustainable IT.
- Associate Professor , Foresight, Innovation and Transformation Chair AffiliateDiscipline: StrategyFaculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & OperationsExpertise: Organization and Strategic Management, Knowledge and Innovation Management, Networks and Communities of Practice, ICT Management and Digital TransformationPierre-Jean Barlatier, PhD, Habil. is Associate Professor of Strategy at EDHEC Business School. His research focuses on strategic management and organization design applied to open innovation management.
- Assistant Professor , MSc Strategy and Organizational Consulting managerDiscipline: Operations & Supply ChainFaculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & OperationsExpertise: coordination strategy, coordination in new forms of organizing, temporary organizing, complex projectsMohamed is an assistant professor at EDHEC Business School. He has over 20 years of practice and managerial experience in diverse industry sectors ranging from the Aeronautical industry to consultancy work.
- Professor , Family Business and PsychologyDiscipline: Family BusinessFaculty: Management & HumanitiesExpertise: -->Leadership and Management -->Business Psychology -->Research on Emotions -->Family BusinessProf. Dr. Fabian Bernhard is a Full Professor of Management and Psychology and is part of the Family Business Center at EDHEC Business School in Paris, Lille, Nice and London.
- Scientific Infra & Private Assets (SIPA) DirectorDiscipline: FinanceFaculty: Data Science, Economics & FinanceExpertise: Infrastructure InvestingFrederic Blanc-Brude, PhD, is Director of Scientific Infra & Private Assets (SIPA). He holds a PhD in Finance (King's College London) and degrees from London School of Economics, the Sorbonne, and Sciences Po Paris.
- ProfessorDiscipline: ManagementFaculty: Management & HumanitiesExpertise: Creativity and Innovation, Motivation and Personality, Leadership and TeamsRonald Bledow will join EDHEC in 2023 as a Professor of Management.
- Associate ProfessorDiscipline: FinanceFaculty: Data Science, Economics & FinanceExpertise: Corporate finance, energy economics and alternative investmentMagnus Blomkvist holds a PhD in financial economics from the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki (2014). His research and teaching interests revolve around corporate finance, energy and alternative investment issues.
- Scientific Portfolio (an EDHEC Venture) ESG DirectorDiscipline: FinanceFaculty:
- Affiliate Professor , General Manager at Sony Music Publishing FranceDiscipline: CultureFaculty:Expertise: Entertainment Industry, MusicA graduate of EDHEC Business School, Jean-Christophe Bourgeois holds the position of General Manager at Sony Music Publishing France, where he oversees the management and exploitation of the market-leading catalog, as well as the strategic growth
- Associate ProfessorDiscipline: Comportement organisationnelFaculty: Management & HumanitiesExpertise: Alternative Organizations, Organizational Culture, Ethnography, Human Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Diversity and InclusionDr. Youcef Bousalham holds a PhD in Organizational Science and Masters in Organizational Science (MPhil.), Mass Retailing Management (MSc.) and Project Management (MSc.).
- Associate Professor , Academic Director for the MSc in Corporate Finance & BankingDiscipline: FinanceFaculty: Data Science, Economics & FinanceExpertise: Corporate Finance, Valuation, Business Social Responsibility, Empirical Asset Pricing, NLPCheck Hamid's personal website with more detailed information: www.hamidboustanifar.com
- Affiliate Professor , Entrepreneurial strategy consultantDiscipline:Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & OperationsExpertise:Entrepreneurship is a family culture, and has contributed to a triple experience of business creation, which Anne Bouy puts at the service of entrepreneurs by accompanying them on their strategy.
- SciBeta Senior Quantitative AnalystDiscipline: FinanceFaculty:Expertise: Asset pricing, quantitative investmentsGiovanni Bruno is a Senior Quantitative Analyst at Scientific Beta and a member of the EDHEC Scientific Beta research chair. His research focuses on asset pricing.
- Professor, Associate Dean , EDHEC Centre for Responsible Entrepreneurship Director, Family Business Chair Research Associate, Global Economic Transformation & Technology (GETT) Track DirectorDiscipline: StrategyFaculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & OperationsExpertise: strategy, business history, entrepreneurshipLudovic Cailluet, PhD, is Professor of Strategy and Business History at Edhec Business School.
- Associate ProfessorDiscipline: EconomicsFaculty: Data Science, Economics & FinanceExpertise: Economics of Entrepreneurship, Human Capital Theory, Applied EconometricsGrégoire Cauchie, PhD, is Associate Professor of Economics and member of the Economics Research Centre at EDHEC Business School. He obtained a doctorate in economics from the University of Lille 1 - Sciences and Technologies in 2014.
- Professor, Head of faculty - MarketingDiscipline: MarketingFaculty: MarketingExpertise: Sustainable Fashion, Luxury marketing, Brand ManagementMarie-Cécile Cervellon, Ph.D, is Professor of Marketing at EDHEC Business School with a teaching expertise in brand management and luxury marketing (ref. her edublog LYTE @luxury-talents-education.com).
- Lecturer in LawDiscipline: LawFaculty: Accounting, Control & Legal AffairsExpertise: Intellectual property law, financial law, commercial law, comparative law, European law, tax lawRadmila Chapuis, is a quadrilingual Professor of Law at EDHEC Business School with teaching expertise in all spheres of business law.
- ProfessorDiscipline: Information SystemFaculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & OperationsExpertise: Employee well-being, Employee Creativity, Social Media Networks
- Assistant Professor, Deputy Head of faculty - MarketingDiscipline: MarketingFaculty: MarketingExpertise: Inclusive Marketing, Gender Marketing, Family ConsumptionMartin Chour holds a PhD in Marketing and Consumer Behavior from the University of Lille. His research mainly focuses on family consumption and gender marketing.
- Associate Professor , Academic Director for the MSc in Climate Change and Sustainable FinanceDiscipline: EconomicsFaculty: Data Science, Economics & FinanceExpertise: Climate economics and finance, Behavioural and Experimental economicsSophie Clot, Ph.D, is Professor of Economics at EDHEC Business School with a teaching expertise in climate economics, sustainable development, business economics, behavioural economics and financial regulation.
- Affiliate ProfessorDiscipline: FinanceFaculty: Data Science, Economics & FinanceExpertise:Claude Cohen held numerous positions in consulting and business development with multinational corporations including Arthur Andersen, Hewlett-Packard, and Oracle.
- Associate Professor, Deputy Head of faculty - Accounting, Control & LawDiscipline: AccountingFaculty: Accounting, Control & Legal AffairsExpertise: Corporate Finance
- Professor , Deputy Head of Law, LLM in Law & Tax Management Manager BLM Manager, EDHEC Augmented Law Institute ResearcherDiscipline: LawFaculty: Accounting, Control & Legal AffairsExpertise: Legal risk management, Law & strategyAfter his postgraduate research degree in law, Professor Christophe Collard worked for the French government and began teaching at the Lille School of Law.
- Associate ProfessorDiscipline:Faculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & OperationsExpertise: Institutional Theory, Business Models, BricolageSylvain Colombero is an Associate Professor at EDHEC Business School. He holds a Ph.D. from both Mines ParisTech and Copenhagen Business School ; and his HDR from Unistra.
- Assistant ProfessorDiscipline: MarketingFaculty: MarketingExpertise: Branding, Marketing Communication, Learning processesSerena D’Hooge is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at EDHEC Business School, where she teaches Brand and Communication Management, Customer-Centric Brand Management and Understanding Consumers and Markets.
- Associate Professor, Deputy Head of faculty - Data Science, Economics & FinanceDiscipline: EconomicsFaculty: Data Science, Economics & FinanceExpertise: Economics, Quantitative MethodsDavid Dalmasso gained a PhD in Economics in 2002 from Nice University. His teaching focus to date has been on Economics and quantitative techniques. He has been teaching as an adjunct faculty member for the EDHEC BBA programme since 2004.
- Professor , Director of MSc in Management & LeadershipDiscipline: LeadershipFaculty: Management & HumanitiesExpertise: Management Communication, Management education and learning, Leadership, ManagementProfessor Daly has worked in communication and management studies since 1995. He has taught managerial communication programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Germany and in France.
- Management in Innovative Health Chair Senior Research AssistantDiscipline: MarketingFaculty:Expertise:Rupanwita Dash is a Senior Research Assistant at the EDHEC Chair Management in Innovative Health, EDHEC Business School, Lille, France.
- Professor , EMBA Programme Director, Leadership Development Chair Affiliate Researcher, Management in Innovative Health Chair Research AssociateDiscipline: StrategyFaculty: Strategy, Entrepreneurship & OperationsExpertise: Corporate strategy, Business model, governanceDenis Dauchy, PhD, is Professor of Business Strategy and Director of EDHEC's Executive MBA, with professional experience in business and consultancy.
- Associate ProfessorDiscipline: CommunicationFaculty: Management & HumanitiesExpertise: Humanities, Soft skills, Discourse analysis, Lexicology, Pedagogical creativity, English world cultures, CV and career coachingDennis Davy has taught soft skills, humanities and English in a variety of contexts since 1980, in Germany, Japan, Algeria, Qatar and Oman.
- Associate ProfessorDiscipline: AccountingFaculty: Accounting, Control & Legal AffairsExpertise: Accounting, Corporate Finance, HarmonizationAfter working for ten years in companies as a consultant, manager and then financial director, Hélène de Brébisson, a graduate of HEC Paris, taught for ten years at IESEG, where she also directed an apprenticeship Master's degree.
- Associate Professor, Head of Faculty - Management & Humanities , Leadership Development Chair Affiliate ResearcherDiscipline: LeadershipFaculty: Management & HumanitiesExpertise: Leadership Development, Team Management, and Career Self-ManagementInge De Clippeleer is Head of Faculty of Management and Humanities, and Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Leadership at EDHEC Business School.
- ProfessorDiscipline: MarketingFaculty: MarketingExpertise: Customer Experience Management, Service Failure & Recovery, Digital Customer Care, Frontline Service Technology, Circular Economy & Circular ServicesArne De Keyser is Full Professor of Marketing at EDHEC Business School (France). His research focuses on customer experience, service recovery and frontline service technology.
- Professor, Leadership Development Chair DirectorDiscipline: ManagementFaculty: Management & HumanitiesExpertise: Leadership, Self-LeadershipSylvie Deffayet Davrout, PhD, is Professor of Management and Head of Leadership Development Chair at EDHEC Business School.
- Affiliate ProfessorDiscipline:Faculty: Data Science, Economics & FinanceExpertise:Laurent Degabriel has been working for more than 30 years in the financial sector, firstly, as a banker in large financial firms in France, Hong-Kong and United-Kingdom; then as a regulator within the European Commission and the European Authority
- Associate Professor , EDHEC Augmented Law Institute ResearcherDiscipline: LawFaculty: Accounting, Control & Legal AffairsExpertise: Tax Law, EntrepreneurshipEmmanuelle DEGLAIRE is law teacher at EDHEC Business School, specialized in both business law and tax matters. She received her Ph.D. working on taxation of French partnerships with Mr. Maurice Cozian.
- Affiliate Professor , Senior Advisor for Private AssetsDiscipline: FinanceFaculty: Data Science, Economics & FinanceExpertise:Cyril Demaria is a renowned international private markets expert combining in-depth practical knowledge, an entrepreneurial background with extensive academic expertise.
- ProfessorDiscipline: Ethique des entreprisesFaculty: Management & HumanitiesExpertise: Business EthicsGeert Demuijnck, PhD, is Professor of Business Ethics at EDHEC Business School. He joined the school in 2008. He teaches courses in business ethics, economic ethics and philosophy.